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1 Golden Trout Circle, Independence, CA 93526
Phone: 760-876-4128 or 760-878-2970

Fish Feeding at Our Historical Hatchery

Wholesome, affordable attractions can be hard to find. When you need to plan an educational outing without breaking the bank, visit Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery in Independence, California. As a historical trout hatchery, we operate an interactive fish feeding exhibit for all ages. There’s no cost to enter and food costs just one quarter, so you can connect with local species even on a budget.

Fish Feeding

Our fish feeding exhibit features ponds that are home to brooding fish, including rainbow trout. When mature, our trout range in size from 1 to 9 pounds. Inside the hatchery, we also have troughs of fingerling rainbow and golden trout. Fish food is available from our vending machine, which dispenses a handful of food for a quarter. For additional savings, we sell whole bags of fish food for $1. We also have a family of ducks that guests are welcome to feed

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